The festival preview program, featuring a first list of confirmed guest authors and speakers, will be available in mid-May. Here are the key pillars of the festival that will shape the program.

BOOK FAIR. The book fair will be held at the Twentynine Palms Community Center on November 8th and 9th, featuring tabletop displays for independent authors and publishers, along with dedicated areas for book signings, a young readers zone, a poets’ corner, and an art expo blending tattoo art and literature.

LIVE SESSIONS. Live sessions, spanning November 8th and 9th, will be hosted at the Old Schoolhouse Museum. Topics will range from Native American Narratives to the impact of the U2 rock group on the Mojave Desert, UFO and War literature, and seventies counter-culture comics.

TALKS AND READINGS. A program of talks and readings dedicated to the rich history of Twentynine Palms will be held at the 29 Palms Inn on November 9th, featuring local authors, historians, and eyewitnesses sharing their insights.

NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE DESERT. Discussions at the Joshua Tree National Park Visitor Center on November 9th will explore the physical, geological, and cultural wonders of the Mojave Desert, featuring writers, architects, academics, and artists.

ROMANCE FICTION. Romance fiction is very popular and will take the spotlight at Corner 62 on November 8th and 9th, offering engaging book signings, Q&A sessions, and writing workshops led by top and multi-genre romance authors.

SHOOT IN 29 PALMS. This new initiative will showcase festival stories ripe for screen adaptation and filming in the Mojave Desert. The closing party at Mas o Menos will unite authors, film and documentary producers, and local production talent residing in the desert.

CRIME FICTION. Organized in collaboration with Mil Tree, an evening of crime fiction, gripping narratives shared by authors, wine, and cheese - a beloved tradition - at our festival, will take place on November 9th in one of Twentynine Palms eateries.